Early Onset Alzheimers

Early Onset Alzheimers is also referred to as Familial Alzheimers Disease, and of the two forms of this disease is the rarer (the other form being Sporadic Alzheimers Disease ).

While Early Onset tends to have the same alzheimers symptoms as the more common version, the overall difference is that it’s mostly diagnosed in people less than 65 years old, as opposed to those over the age of 65.

There is also a strong hereditary link; if a parent has the disease the chance of their children also being diagnosed with it is extremely high.

Caused by a mutated gene, Early Onset is passed down from one generation to the next with symptoms beginning to show sometimes as early as 35 years old, but more predictably in the 40s or 50s.

For those people who feel they may be at risk of developing Early Onset Alzheimers Disease doctors across the world recommend putting into practice many of the strategies to prevent Alzheimers that they believe may delay the disease’s rapid progression.

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