Adventures with
Mum and Aunty Norrie

About two years ago, I suggested to Norrie that she use a daily/week tablet pack to make it easier to take her numerous tablets.

After copious of adamant statements - “I have taken my tablets from the packets for over 40 years and I know what I am doing. I have my own system which I have used for over 40 years!” I actually got her to agree to a trial of a small weekly pack.

It didn’t work.

When I called to see her two days later, some of the tablets had been taken, but some from Friday were back in Monday! Norrie said she didn’t like the new system and she wanted to continue with her system ‘she had used for over 40 years’.

At that stage I wasn’t sure if the confusion over the tablets was real or deliberate. But she showed me that she continued to take her tablets regularly from the packets, so I capitulated.

Today I have checked off Norrie’s shopping requirements and now it’s time to check what tablets need ‘topping up’. It is as I had anticipated. The tablets which have to be taken at lunchtime and at bedtime appear to have been taken, but the tablets which are supposed to be taken in the morning, are at the same number as I counted and documented last week.

“Norrie, darling, we need to talk."

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